On Friday the 13th of July, the ANSI Board of Standards Review approved a revised version of ANSI E1.46, Standard for the Prevention of Falls from Theatrical Stages and Raised Performance Platforms. The standard has been revised to address changes to the OSHA regulations for fall protection, while keeping the document’s useful guidance for preventing falls from stages into the orchestra pit or the house.

ANSi E1.46 – 2018 can be downloaded at now cost from the ESTA TSP website at tsp.esta.org/freestandards. The no-cost download is made possible by the sponsorship of ProSight Specialty Insurance. Alternatively, the standard may be purchased for $40 from ANSI and .IHS at https://webstore.ansi.org/ and https://global.ihs.com/ respectively.


[Lighting & Sound America – original article]
[Picture: TSP/ESTA]