Rapper Amerado had an accident while performing on stage. He was singing his popular songs at Baidoo Bonsoe Senior High Technical School in Ghana when the stage collapsed. Many students left the venue after the accident. Amerado was taken to the hospital, but there’s no update on his condition from his team yet. An eyewitness said he got serious injuries and is now in the Effia Nkwanta Government Hospital.

Amerado, who recently released a new song called “TinTonTin” and got nominated for several awards at the 2024 Telecel Ghana Music Awards, had his song “Kwaku Ananse” re-added to the Most Popular Song of the Year category. The TGMA board reviewed the nominations and realized they made a mistake by not including “Kwaku Ananse” in the right category. Now, the song is nominated for both Best Highlife Song and Most Popular Song of the Year.

What Could Have Gone Wrong?

Several factors could have contributed to the stage collapse incident involving Amerado.

  1. Structural Integrity: One possibility is that the stage itself was not properly constructed or maintained, leading to structural weaknesses that ultimately caused it to collapse. This could involve issues such as inadequate support, poor quality materials, or improper assembly.
  2. Overcrowding: If the venue was overcrowded beyond its capacity, the added weight and pressure from the audience could have exceeded the stage’s load-bearing capacity, causing it to collapse.
  3. Faulty Equipment: Malfunctioning or poorly maintained equipment, such as stage rigging or lighting fixtures, could have contributed to the collapse if they failed during the performance.
  4. Lack of Inspections: If the stage and equipment were not regularly inspected for safety compliance and maintenance, potential hazards may have gone unnoticed until it was too late.
  5. Inadequate Planning: Insufficient planning and coordination between event organizers and venue staff could have led to oversight in ensuring the safety and stability of the stage setup.

6 . Human Error : Mistakes made by individuals involved in the setup or management of the event, such as improper installation of stage components or failure to follow safety protocols, could have played a role in the incident.

Investigating these potential factors would be necessary to determine the root cause of the stage collapse and implement measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

[Medium – original article]

[Photo – Medium]