EN 17206:2020 – Machinery for stages and other production areas

Safety requirements and inspections Introduction In the spring of 2020, the long-awaited European standard for safety requirements of stage machinery was published by Technical Committee CEN/TC 433. And within a few months EN 17206:2020 was adopted by several European standardisation bodies. Hence, it is now widely available as BS EN 17206, DIN EN 17206, NEN [...]

BD2023-10-04T14:20:39+01:00November 11th, 2020|Articles|

UNE 311002 – New Code of Practice for Lifting Equipment in Spain

Spain has done the homework. During the quiet months of Spring, rigging and H&S experts within the Spanish Event Industry have put together ideas to try to standardise the use of lifting equipment, as a result, the experts produced a short, but practical norm, to regularise the type of equipment allowed and the use of [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:17:19+00:00September 10th, 2020|Articles|

Machinery Risk Assessment: Possibility of avoidance

Introduction On previous machinery risk assessment articles, we explain how to approach the analysis of the severity of injury and two-of-three risk elements concurring to estimate the probability of occurrence of the harm. The third element is the possibility of avoidance. - Article: Estimation of the Severity of Injury - Article: Frequency of Exposure - [...]

AB2020-08-17T13:10:48+01:00August 18th, 2020|Articles|

Chain Hoist Chain Bags: Fitness for purpose

Introduction Manual and Electric chain hoists used in the entertainment industry, are normally put into service fitted with a device with the intended use to allow the storage of the load chain: a chain bag (or chain container). Chain bags for hand chain hoists are often designed as a “bucket”, large enough to contain the [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:18:35+00:00July 7th, 2020|Articles|

Forthcoming revision of the Machinery Directive

Impact assessment study of the Machinery Directive WG1 meeting The European Commission is seriously considering the revision of machinery directive; in 2019 the EC carried out interviews and a public survey in order to collect feedback from the industry stakeholders. The consultation was made by 98 semi-structured interviews and 528 submission of open public consultations. [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:20:12+00:00June 19th, 2020|Articles|

Machinery Risk Assessment: Probability of occurrence

When drafting a machinery Risk Assessment, one of the most controversial elements to be estimated is the probability of occurrence, and the main reason for such challenge is related to the meaning associated with the word "Probability". Often the term probability is confused with likelihood or predictability, which are derivatives of the concept of probability [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:30:00+00:00May 20th, 2020|Articles|

Stage machinery documentation is not just “paper”

When designing and manufacturing stage machinery or a control system, there is always a certain number of documents one needs to produce in order to follow the process of compliance in a consistent manner. Manufacturers produce the drawings for mechanical and structural elements, compile the BoM, collect technical specifications of any relevant component, draft schematics [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:22:02+00:00April 2nd, 2020|Articles|

Balancing the Lines – Common Power Issues in the Event Industry

Automation, Video and Lighting will often share the same generator or transformer when touring. Yet, if the load is unbalanced, unexpected flickering lights and spurious drive trips will become a part of the show. As funambulists use the centre of mass to maintain their balance and prevent a fall, three-phase power systems also use the [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:28:46+00:00March 4th, 2020|Articles|

EN ISO 12100:2010 Applied in the Entertainment Industry – PART 2

A summary of: Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction In part 1 of this series, we introduced the risk assessment process and explained how EN ISO 12100:2010 can help machinery designers and manufacturers make their machinery safe with the use of a risk assessment. In part 2, we [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:31:08+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Articles|

Substantial Modifications: When is Modified Stage Machinery Considered to be New Machinery?

During the lifetime of a stage machinery that is put into service, it is often subjected to modifications or changes. Hence, at times components or constituent units of existing machinery or assemblies of machineries are replaced or updated, and at other times new machineries may be added to an existing assembly of machinery. The common [...]

BD2023-03-08T14:33:31+00:00January 8th, 2020|Articles|
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